Surface Samples

One of the easiest sign to notice a large mold presence is the changing color of a surface which is infected by mold presence. The surface on which large mold colonies are formed starts changing its color. Observing a color on your furniture or wall different from its original should hint you on possible existence of molds in your house. The surface on which there will be large mold population in form of colonies will often turn gray, brown, white or green in color. Large mold spores in air will also give a moldy smell. So any foul, strange smell should further strengthen your conclusion that the house is infected by molds.

Our company in Los Angeles specializes in inspecting house for mold presence and doing mold test. Los Angeles is covered all over by our mold inspection and mold detection services all days of week. We take mold testing assignments for both residential and commercial building space.  Our team comprises of industry expert with years of experience in doing mold inspection and mold testing. We are aware about and take care of all the mold detection and mold testing standard protocols and guidelines. We will test your house thoroughly at all corners to confirm whether you have any threat of mold exposure and whether you need to go for any remediation in your house to get rid of molds.

Scrubbing surface for samples

As discussed above large mold concentration on any surface can be readily noticed in form of discoloration of the surface. But molds won’t be visible unless they are in large numbers in the form of mold colonies. Hence even if you don’t see them, they can still be there on various surfaces in your house. Discoloration of the surface means that number of molds is very large but absence of it doesn’t rule out any possibility. You may or may not have mold problem. So what is done in such cases? How to confirm if any surface in the house is infected with molds or not?  Well it is possible to confirm mold presence on any surface. First of all these procedures are scientific and will be performed by experts who understand them. It is not always possible for you to do a complete surface testing on your own. Various samples are collected by experts by scrubbing and these samples are then lab tested to confirm mold problem.