We are the most popular mold inspection and mold testing service provider in Los Angeles. Mold testing is performed by our experts who are equipped with tools built with cutting edge technology. These are the most renowned set of people in the industry handling mold inspection and mold testing with high quality for years. We have built a state of art lab featuring latest methods and technology for testing samples, to detect mold presence in your house. We extend our services in all types of indoor facilities, be it a residential apartment, a public building or a commercial space. Our services have consistently being rated as best by our clients.
Common myths about molds
Although molds are very common in modern households there is a huge lack of awareness about molds. There are lots of myths circulating about molds which not only cause mold problem to surface but also to be ignored later once they are detected. It’s important that people know about mold including their cause and symptoms, so that they can effectively avoid any kind of mold related problem in their households. Let us discuss some common mold related myths in circulation.
I can’t have a mold problem in my house.
This has to be on the top of the list of most common mold related myths. This is not true at all. It doesn’t matter where your house is and how it is built, there is always some chance that you can have mold problem in your house. Mold can exist virtually anywhere. And that includes your home, so you can have a mold problem
Molds are toxic
Well this is partially. Molds are not toxic themselves. There are some species of mold which release substance which can be toxic. Also point to note here is, not all molds are toxic,onlyfew molds release toxins.
I will know when I will have mold problem in my house
This again is partially true. You cannot see molds individually. One can notice mold only when they form colonies. Large mold colonies can cause discoloration of the surface on which they exist. Also large concentration of molds results in a moldy smell. But one cannotalways see or feel mold presence. A detailed mold inspection is required which involves lab analysis to confirm mold problem in the house. So there can be molds prospering in your house without you knowing about it.